Gas and Bloating Beverly Hills

Who wouldn’t love to have washboard abs and show them off at the party? But thanks to one too many donuts, zipping up your pants can be a real struggle. Abdominal bloating not only looks bad and is unhealthy, but also causes physical discomfort. The good news… stomach bloating is a condition you can easily avoid.

Steer Clear of Constipation

Constipation can be caused by too little fiber, fluids, and physical activity, which can lead to bloating. To avoid bloating, eat a diet high in fiber, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds.


Determine Wheat Allergies or Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance and food allergies can cause gas and bloating. If you think you have an allergy or intolerance, get checked by your doctor.


Slow Down When You Eat

Slow down and enjoy your food. It should take at least 30 minutes to eat a meal. Also, you can decrease bloating just by chewing your food more. Chewing aids in digestion.When you take your time to thoroughly chew food, your meal becomes more satisfying.


Chew Less Gum

Bloating can be caused by chewing gum via swallowing air. If you chew a lot of gum, alternate chewing gum with eating a healthy, high-fiber snack like fruit, vegetables, or lower-fat popcorn.


Avoid Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks can lead gas to getting trapped in your belly. As an alternative, drink water flavored with lemon, lime, or cucumber. Another suggestion is to reduce the overall number of fizzy drinks you consume. Try green tea for a healthy beverage that can help eliminate bloating.


Eat Smaller Meals More Often

The average American eats three big meals per day. Doctors recommend eating smaller meals more often. Eating smaller meals can help avoid the bloated feeling that often accompanies large meals (for instance, Thanksgiving dinner). Eating more frequently also has added benefits like curtailing hunger and controlling blood sugar.


Gas & Bloating in Beverly Hills

If you suspect that you may have a digestive disorder, schedule you appointment with Dr. Berookim today: (310) 271-1122