HerniasWhen an internal body part pushes beyond the restraining wall or tissue into an area where it does not belong, a hernia begins to occur. A hiatal hernia is when the stomach bulges up into the chest cavity through an opening in our esophagus called the hiatus. This can cause serious health problems to your body if not treated immediately.

What is a Hiatal Hernias?

There are two types of hiatal hernias; a sliding hiatal hernia where the connection between the esophagus and stomach push into the chest cavity through the hiatus or a Paraesophageal hernia where part of the stomach pushes through the hiatus cutting off the blood supply to the stomach making it more dangerous.

What is the Cause of Hiatal Hernias?

Although there is no exact cause to hiatal hernias, they can be linked to weakness of the hiatus, increased pressure on the abdomen from coughing, straining bowel movements, weight gain, or pregnancy can all lead to hiatal hernias. Both types of hiatal hernias are concerning if not treated quickly. Hiatal hernias are more commonly found in overweight people especially women or smokers.

However, here are 6 lifestyle changes you can make in your everyday life to lower your risk of a hiatal hernia.

  1. Losing or maintaining a healthy weight to avoid strain on your abdomen region.
  2. Eating smaller portion meals throughout the day. Eliminating fatty foods and acids from your diet will also ease acid reflux and heartburn.
  3. Eating your dinner at least 3-4 hours before going to bed or lying down for long periods of time. Also avoid having mid night snacks.
  4. Elevate your head about 6 inches with pillows while your sleep to help keep excess food from traveling to your esophagus.
  5. Quit or decrease the amount you are smoking. This can lead to worse health problems and when quitting, it will lower the chance of any type of hiatal hernias.
  6. Start an antacid regimen with over the counter remedies that will help with digestion and acid reflux problems.