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  • h pylori swallowing difficulties

Can Sleeping Make You Smarter?

“Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,” as the saying goes. And as with many sayings, there are elements in it that ring true. Those who get a good night sleep are more likely to have more energy and focus throughout the day. Their immune systems will also be [...]

Can Sleeping Make You Smarter?
  • gastroenterology los angeles

Top 10 Superfoods That Will Keep You Healthy

Coloretal specialist, Dr. Berookim has compiled a list of 10 amazing foods that are both healthy and delicious.These superfoods will help fight diseases and boost energy. We all know that a healthy diet is essential to great health and well being. By following our tips you can begin taking a healthier approach to eating. Dark [...]

Top 10 Superfoods That Will Keep You Healthy
  • colonoscopy los angeles

How To Prepare For The Breath Test Procedure

Colonoscopy Los Angeles wants you to feel prepared for your next hydrogen breath test. The staff at Gastroenterology Institute teach their patients the steps to prepare for the test and what to expect. The colonoscopy Los Angeles specialist, Dr. Berookim, is dedicated to making his patients feel comfortable during any procedure given. Dr. Berookim shares how to [...]

How To Prepare For The Breath Test Procedure

Intolerance to Fructose: Foods to Avoid

Dr. Berookim is a colonoscopy Los Angeles doctor that specializes in all types of digestive health issues. Fructose intolerance can be a pain to deal with that is why Dr. Berookim is giving his patients all the information they need to avoid any health issues related to this. The colonoscopy Los Angeles gives their clients [...]

Intolerance to Fructose: Foods to Avoid
  • los angeles colonoscopy

How To Prevent Esophageal Cancer In 3 Easy Steps

Esophageal cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. It affects up to 16,000 individuals every year in the United States alone. Often, esophageal cancer is not identified or diagnosed until it is in its more advanced stages, making it difficult to treat. However, the good news is that esophageal cancer is one [...]

How To Prevent Esophageal Cancer In 3 Easy Steps
  • gastroenterology institute

Six Steps To Preventing Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer affecting Americans. Every year about 140,000 people will be diagnosed with the cancer and if not treated the cancer can be fatal. Luckily, colorectal cancer is highly preventable and there are many steps that one can take to help mitigate the development of colorectal cancer. [...]

Six Steps To Preventing Colorectal Cancer
  • best gastroenterologist los angeles

Delicious Foods and Rules for a Healthy Colon

No one really thinks of the colon when thinking of healthy foods or foods in general. The truth is your diet affects your colon health immensely. The colon is a very important part of the digestive system and eating healthier will keep is working well. If you are already having problems with your colon a [...]

Delicious Foods and Rules for a Healthy Colon
  • h pylori dysphagia

Can We Train Our Bodies To Fight Cancer?

Over 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year and a little over half of those diagnosed with cancer will die as a result.   What Is Cancer and How Is Cancer Treated?   Cancer occurs when normal bodily cells begin to grow abnormally and disrupt the function of the healthy cells around them. [...]

Can We Train Our Bodies To Fight Cancer?
  • best gastroenterologist los angeles

Common Myths About Celiac Disease

Gluten is a protein found in barley, rye, wheat and any other food product that may contain these grains. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that affects about 1% of Americans. Ingesting gluten damages the villi, small structures lining the small intestine, and restricts with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Here are some common [...]

Common Myths About Celiac Disease
  • gastroenterology los angeles

Importance of Proper Gut Health

  Have you ever felt tired, bloated or gassy after a meal? Improving your gut health could help to solve such effects and improve other bodily functions. Gut health refers to the health of your digestive system, specifically the colon, intestinal tract and stomach. Poor gut health symptoms can often be less obvious like join [...]

Importance of Proper Gut Health
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