Many consider Dr. Peyton Berookim the best gastroenterologist in the Los Angeles area. Our team aims to provide the most accurate examinations and treatments with the use of cutting-edge technology.

See what procedures our institute offers that can help you:

hydrogen breath test near me

Breath Tests

Breath tests are an effective way to be able to test for any food intolerances and/or allergies as well as bacteria that may be affecting an individual’s digestive system. Our institute offers breath tests for digestive disorders such as SIBO, H. pylori, lactulose intolerance, fructose malabsorption, and many more. Read More

best colonoscopy doctor near me


A colonoscopy enables physicians to be able to detect colorectal cancer, also most commonly known as colon cancer. Physicians can evaluate the inside of the colon and detect any cancerous polyps and develop a treatment plan. Read More

best place to get colonoscopy near me

Third Eye Colonoscopy

In a third eye colonoscopy, physicians use a restroscope, tool that reveals areas behind folds at a higher accuracy rate in detecting polyps. Read More

upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

Upper Endoscopy

An upper endoscopy allows physicians to be able to analyze body parts such as the esophagus, small intestine, and/or stomach. Through an upper endoscopy, digestive tract disorders can be accurately examined and treatment can be implemented. Read More

halo treatment for barrett's esophagus

Radiofrequency Ablation Therapy

Radiofrequency ablation therapy is one of the treatments available for Barrett’s esophagus. This therapy destroys pre-cancerous esophageal lining which enables new, healthy lining to grow back in its place. Read More

motility test

SmartPill Motility Capsule

The SmartPill™ Motility Capsule allows physicians to be able to detect any and all abnormalities in the gastrointestinal region. The SmartPill™ Motility Capsule measures items such as pH level, small and large bowel transit time, as well as pressure patterns. Read More

pillcam colon 2

PillCam Capsule Endoscopy

The PillCam™ system provides patients with peace of mind about their GI health. Our PillCam™ capsule endoscopy captures images and diagnostic information of the gastrointestinal tract such as the stomach, small bowel, colon, or esophagus. Read More