Dr. Peyton Berookim, a board-certified gastrologist, was honored to speak with Eat This, Not That, for an article titled, “6 Reasons You Can’t Poop.”

In the article, Dr. Berookim explains why some people may struggle with regular bowel movements and what you can do to change that.

Here are the 6 reasons you may struggle to poop down below:

  1. A low-fiber diet can cause constipation because without fiber, your body has trouble passing stool and facilitating bowel movements
  2. Dehydration: Having little water in your system can lead to hard, dry stool that makes it harder for your body to pass
  3. Sedentary lifestyle: Living a sedentary lifestyle can seomtimes cause slow digestion and constipation due to lack of movement
  4. Medications: Certain medications, such as pain relief, antidepressants, and antacids can cause constipation.
  5. Other reasons for constipation include medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hypothyroidism, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  6. Ignoring your bodies signals: Ignoring the urge to use the bathroom can result in stool becoming hard and dry, and unable to pass through the colon

In the article, Dr. Berookim recommends several strategies for constipation relief, including increasing fiber intake, drinking more water, getting regular exercise, and addressing any medical conditions or medication-related causes. 

If you are having trouble popping, and are not sure why, get in touch with Dr. Peyton Berookim, a board-certified constipation doctor, right away! Dr. Berookim can help you determine the underlying cause of your constipation and provide effective treatment options to relieve your symptoms and improve your overall gut health. To schedule a consultation and learn more about Dr. Berookim’s services, please visit his website or call his office today. Don’t suffer in silence from constipation; take the first step toward better digestive health today!