We prioritize your well-being and comfort at the Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California, not only during the colonoscopy procedure but also throughout the recovery process. We know that after colonoscopy care is critical to your overall experience and well-being. 

In this article, we will walk you through the best post colonoscopy care, address common questions and concerns, and discuss doctors who perform colonoscopies.

How Long is Recovery After Colonoscopy?

Recovery from a colonoscopy is generally quick and painless, allowing you to resume your normal activities as soon as possible. While the exact recovery time varies from person to person, most people recover completely within a few hours to a day.

  • Monitoring Following the Procedure: Our attentive staff will monitor you in a comfortable recovery area following your colonoscopy. This monitoring period allows us to ensure that the sedative effects wear off safely and that you are ready to be discharged.
  • Sedation’s Long-Term Effects: To ensure your comfort, conscious sedation or deeper sedation options are frequently used during a colonoscopy. Some residual effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, or temporary memory lapses, are common immediately following the procedure. These effects usually wear off within a few hours.
  • Bowel Movement Changes: It is normal to experience changes in bowel movements following a colonoscopy. For a day or two, some people may experience a temporary decrease or absence of bowel movements. This is due to the cleansing process of the bowels and the temporary disruption caused by the colonoscopy procedure. It is, however, critical to stay hydrated and resume a normal diet as directed by your healthcare provider.

Do You Have to Poop After a Colonoscopy?

Yes, it is critical to resume bowel movements following a colonoscopy. While it is normal to experience temporary changes after the procedure, such as decreased frequency or absence of bowel movements, it is critical to maintain proper hydration and a healthy diet. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating fiber-rich foods can aid in the normalization of bowel movements. If you have questions or need advice about your bowel movements after a colonoscopy, our team is here to help.

Can I Eat Right After a Colonoscopy?

You should be able to resume eating soon after a colonoscopy in most cases. However, specific dietary instructions may differ depending on individual factors and procedure findings. Based on your specific situation, our team will provide detailed post-colonoscopy dietary guidelines. It is generally advised to begin with light, easily digestible foods and gradually reintroduce a regular diet as tolerated.

Does Your Bottom Hurt After a Colonoscopy?

Following a colonoscopy, it is normal to experience some mild discomfort in the rectal area. This pain may be accompanied by a sensation of pressure, soreness, or a slight sensation of rectal fullness. Typically, the symptoms are mild and resolve quickly. Over-the-counter pain relievers, warm sitz baths, and gentle analgesic creams may help. If you have any concerns or are experiencing persistent pain, please contact our office for assistance.

Can You Work the Day After a Colonoscopy?

Individual factors, the nature of your occupation, and the sedation used during the procedure may all influence your ability to return to work the day after a colonoscopy. The day after a colonoscopy, most people can resume their normal activities, including work. However, it is critical to pay attention to your body and prioritize rest if necessary. If your job requires physical exertion or you have any concerns, it is best to discuss your situation with our team, who can make personalized recommendations based on your needs.

Best doctors who perform colonoscopies in Los Angeles

Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities at the Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California. We understand that the recovery period following a colonoscopy is an important part of your overall experience. You can navigate the recovery process smoothly and confidently with our expert care and guidance.

We invite you to make an appointment with Dr. Peyton P. Berookim and our dedicated team to discuss your gastrointestinal health, address any concerns, and receive personalized care throughout your colonoscopy and after colonoscopy care.

Make an appointment with Dr. Peyton P. Berookim at the Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California today to take the first step toward better digestive health.